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Ada Lovelace

Computer Scientist without a Computer

2015 is the 200th anniversary of Ada Lovelace’s birth. Famous as 'the first programmer' her vision of computer science was far wider. To celebrate, this area explores her life, her ideas and where modern research has taken some of those ideas. Women’s research is also still at the forefront of interdisciplinary computer science. We will look at what other Victorian Computer Science was around at the time and also see how her work linked to the very modern idea of computational thinking.

Issue 20 of the cs4fn magazine is all about Ada Lovelace. Download the pdf. UK teachers can subscribe for free copies of the magazine - just fill out the request form

Victorian Computer Science

Becoming a Computer Scientist

A fan Geek gurl parties in the 1830's

Victorian Robots

A silver cyborg The Silver Lady

Secret Messages, Life and Death

A fan Dickens Knitting in code

Human Factors

coloured pens Vulgar coloured pens

Puzzles and Graphs

The Bridges of Konigsberg Puzzling Victorian Doodles

The Real Frankenstein

Cartoon of Frankenstein's monster A Storm in a Bell Jar


Electricity arcing Following Faraday


Red brain glowing in a skeleton Brain Matter

Evolution and Intelligence

DNA manipulated by a robot arm Clever Genes


A heart with electical signal Model a heart

Flight and Languages

Angel made of clouds Autopilot Ada!

The Computer Revolution

Female head, swirling pattern Looking to the future

Women in Computing

Cover of women are here issue: woman's head with coogs Women still lead the way

This area and much of the research described in it has been supported by EPSRC. This issue and/or the research in it has been supported by the EPSRC project : The Social Machine of Mathematics on research grants (EP/K040251/2). It has also been supported by the Department of Education and Mayor of London through LSEF project teachinglondoncomputing.org and Google.