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Much ado about nothing

The nurse types in a dose of 100.1 mg of a powerful drug and presses start. It duly injects 1001 mg into the patient without telling the nurse that it didn't do what it was told. You wouldn't want to be that patient!
Designing a medical device is difficult. It's not creating the physical machine that causes problems so much as writing the software that controls everything that that machine does. The software is complex and it has to be right. But what do we mean by "right"? The most obvious thing is that when a nurse sets it to do something, that is exactly what it does.
Getting it right is subtler than that though. It must also be easy to use and not mislead the nurse: the human- computer interface has to be right too. It is the software that allows you to interact with a gadget - what buttons you press to get things done and what feedback you are given. There are some basic principles to follow when designing interfaces. One is that the person using it should always be clearly told what it is doing.
Manufacturers need ways to check their devices meet these principles: to know that they got it right.
It's not just the manufacturers, though. Regulators have the job of checking that machines that might harm people are 'right' before they allow them to be sold. That's really difficult given the software could be millions of lines long. Worse they only have a short time to give an answer.
Problems may only happen once in a million times a device is used. They are virtually impossible to find by having someone try possibilities to see what happens, the traditional way software is checked. Of course, if a million devices are bought, then a million to one chance will happen to someone, somewhere almost immediately!
Paolo Masci at Queen Mary University of London, has come up with a way to help and in doing so found a curious problem. He's been working with the US regulator for medical devices - the FDA - and developed a way to use maths to find problems. It involves creating a mathematical description of what critical parts of the interface program do. Properties, like the user always knowing what is going on, can then be checked using maths. Paolo tried it out on the code for entering numbers of a real medical device and found some subtle problems. He showed that if you typed in certain numbers, the machine actually treated them as a number ten times bigger. Type in a dose of 100.1 and the machine really did set the dose to be 1001. It ignored the decimal point because on such a large dose it assumed small fractions are irrelevant. However another part of the code allows you to continue typing digits. Worse still the device ignores that decimal point silently. It doesn't make any attempt to help a nurse notice the change. A busy nurse would need to be extremely vigilant to see the tiny decimal point was missing given the lack of warning.
A useful thing about Paolo's approach is that it gives you the button presses that lead to the problem. With that you can check other devices very quickly. He found that medical devices from three other manufacturers had exactly the same problem. Different teams had all programmed in the same problem. None had thought that if their code ignored a decimal point, it ought to warn the nurse about it rather than create a number ten times bigger. It turns out that different programmers are likely to think the same way and so make the same mistakes (see 'Double or Nothing').
Now the problem is known, nurses can be warned to be extra careful and the manufacturers can update the software. Better still they and the regulators now have an easy way to check their programmers haven't made the same mistake in future devices. In future, whether vigilant or not, a nurse won't be able to get it wrong.