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The Human Lifestyle of the Future

The following vision of the future was researched by Sigrid, Jasmine, Rae and Sohaib who are students of Sir George Monoux and Leyton Sixth Form Colleges. They took up our future human challenge at the Queen Mary, University of London, Winter School, 2005.
Their Winning Future
"Our task was to predict how the human of 50 years from now will look, communicate, work, play and live. This had to all link in with current developments in computer science. We decided to demonstrate this by following the day of one person 50 years from now."
Meet Jim Bob!
He lives in the year 2055, above London in one of the new floating apartment blocks. He works as a moon surfing instructor previously competing in the inter-galactic championships until a tragic accident left him armless. After a routine arm replacement Jim now enjoys some amateur cyborg competitions.
So lets go through his typical day!
At home...
10am - Jeeves his personal robot butler, that looks human, wakes him with breakfast. He comes in mumbling about Jim Bob trashing the apartment last night because of his party! He had to clean up all night. Jeeves is his robot that does everything, and I mean everything, for him! He chats to him as a friend and schedules his day. While Jim is away he keeps the house secure and does all the annoying chores. What else would you want! Jeeves-like robots have developed a long way since the early chore robot, Wakamaru, made by Mitsubishi at the start of the 21st century, though the idea is the same.
Still at Home...
Well, lets get back to Jim Bob's day. Jim receives a 3D hologram from the hospital alerting him that his arm upgrade has now arrived.
On the way to the Hospital...
Jim drives his new Audi ax500 to the hospital. It immediately gets him a heavy speeding fine. Testing it out, Jim breaks the speed limt and this offence is immediately detected by an RFID reciever positioned along the road. His information was taken via his FasTrack transponder and the fine was immediately sent to his house. There is a FasTrack tag in every car which contains car/ driver details. FasTrack-like technology is used for a lot more than at the start of the 21st century when it was originally introduced as a way of charging tolls on toll roads.
At the hospital...
Jim walks in to the hospital and his appointment is checked automatically. Using new technology, there is no need for a receptionist. He is registered automatically via implanted RFID tags. His new arm which was waiting for him in the delivery area is installed and he goes home.
Compare this to a hospital reception now with long queues and waits, a noisy room, wrong patient information...