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Why the Romans were pants at maths
Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

The Romans were great at counting and addition but they were absolutely pants at multiplication. It wasn't because they were stupid. It was because they hadn't invented a good way to represent numbers, and that meant they needed really convoluted algorithms.
The Roman system is based on an earlier really simple way of writing numbers. You just put a line for each thing you've counted. Its probably the way shepherds kept count of sheep, drawing a line for each sheep. Those lines turned into the Roman letter I. To add 1 to a number you just add another I. You count: I, II, III, and so on and it makes counting easy. This system is called unary - whereas binary involves counting with two symbols, 1 and 0, in unary you only have one symbol to count with. Addition in unary is easy too at least for small numbers. Take the first number and add on the end all the Is for the second and you've got the answer number. This is exactly the way we all start doing addition on our fingers.To add 2+3, hold up 2 fingers (II) then hold up another three fingers (III) and you have the answer (IIIII).
This is fine for small numbers but it gets a bit tedious as the numbers increase (and you run out of fingers!) Comparing numbers is easy in principle - do you have the same number of Is, but hard in practice for large numbers. We can't keep all those Is in our head so a large number is hard to think about. To get round this the Romans invented new letters to stand for groups of Is. This is what we do when we tally numbers making a crossbar for every fifth number we count. It helps us keep track of larger numbers. The Romans invented a whole bunch of symbols to help: so for example in the Roman numeral system, V stands for 5 (IIIII), X stands for 10, L for 50, C for 100, D for 500 and M for 1000. They had invented a new way to represent numbers.
This makes it much easier to write and compare larger numbers. Now when counting and you get up to 5 you just replace all those Is with a V and then carry on adding Is: VI, VII, VIII, VIIII. Then you get to VIIIII (10) so replace it all with an X, starting again adding a new lot of Is: XI, XII, XIII, XIIII, XV, and so on. Counting large numbers is now a bit more involved - the algorithm involves more than just adding an I on the end, but it is much more convenient. The addition algorithm has now become more complicated, though it is still fairly simple too. Take any two numbers to add like VII and VIII and string them together: VIIVIII. Now group together the same letters: VVIIIII. Anywhere you have enough to replace symbols with the next character do so. VV can be replaced by X and IIIII can be replaced by V to give XV in the above. Keep making replacements until you can make no more. Put the symbols in order from largest to smallest symbol and you have your answer.
Now the Romans were obviously a bit lazy as bored with writing even four Is in a row they sometimes introduced a new set of abbreviations, so that IIII became IV and VIIII became IX. Putting a smaller symbol (like I) before a larger one (like X) instead of after meant subtract it to get the number. so IX means "one less than 10" or 9. Counting just got a tiny bit more complicated to get the advantage of writing fewer symbols. Addition now needs a more convoluted algorithm though. There are several ways to do it. The easiest is actually just to change the numbers to add to the simpler form (so IV goes back to IIII). You them do the addition that way, and convert back at the end. Addition just got that little bit harder, and all because of a change in representation.
Worse, doing any more complicated maths is even harder still using the Roman number representation. See if you can work out how to multiply Roman numbers. The Roman number system doesn't help at all. The only really easy way is to just repeatedly add ( so III x VI is VI + VI + VI). That just isn't practical for large numbers. Try it on XXIII x LXV1. There are other possible ways including one that is actually based on the binary multiplication algorithms computers use - multiplying and dividing repeatedly by 2. See if you can work out how to do it. Whatever way you do it, its clear that the number system the Romans chose made maths hard for them to do!
Luckily, Indian and Arabian scholars understood that the representation they used mattered. They invented, and spread, the Hindu-Arabic numbers and decimal system we use today. What is special about it is that rather than introducing new symbols for bigger and bigger numbers, the position of a symbol is used instead. As we go from nine to ten we go back to the start of our symbols, from 9 back to 0, but stick a 1 in a new 10s column to count how many 10s we have. Counting is still pretty easy but suddenly not only is the algorithm for addition straightforward but we can come up with fairly simple algorithms for multiplication and division too. They are the algorithms you learn at school - though as with any algorithm making sure you follow the steps exactly and don't miss steps is hard for a human (unlike for a computer). That is why we tend to find learning maths hard at first and it gets easier the more we practice.
In fact Romans needing to do serious maths probably used a variation of an abacus representing numbers with stones. They would do a calculation on the abacus and then convert the answer back into the Roman number system. And guess what. The Roman Abacus uses columns to represent larger numbers in a very similar way to the Hindu-Arabic system. The Romans understood that representation matters too.
Sometimes things are hard to do just because we make them hard! The secret of coming up with good algorithms is often to come up with a good representation first. In programming too, if you come up with a good way to represent data, a good data structure, you can often then make it much easier to write an efficient program.