Enter the maze

cs4fn Magazine+: Issue 26: Peter W. McOwan: Serious Fun

ISSN 1754-3657 (Print)

ISSN 1754-3665 (Online)

A pdf is available to download for free from our download site. We send out free physical copies to schools in the UK (use the 2nd/purple form here to sign up your school).

Find all the articles as well as linked extras below. All these articles and more of the work of Peter McOwan can be found on our dedicated page.

The articles

Supporting Biologists

A Bee As easy as a bee sees?

Faking Faces

Wireframe heads Face Off

Genetic Algorithms

A Dainty walker Sodarace

AI Creativity

A jigsawquestionmark Manufacturing Magic

Machine Vision and Marketing

The Hong Kong skyline and its saliency map Dragonfly AI

Affective Computing

A girl playing chess When I see you smile

Human-Robot Interaction

 Blade the emotional robot

Human-Robot Interaction

Drummer Music-making mates for Mortimer

Computing odds and ends

Stadium Back (Page) to the beginning


The Ouchi Eye

cs4fn is edited by Paul Curzon, Jane Waite, Jo Brodie, and Sue White of Queen Mary University of London. Autumn 2019.