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How to fake a super brain

Fun with Fibonacci sequences
Would you like to be able to impress your friends and family with your amazing mathematical skills? Now is your chance. Here is a rather cunning maths magic trick that uses the power of something called a Fibonacci sequence to do all the hard work for you.
Performing the amazing mathematical brain trick
First select a person to impress. Ask them to write down any two numbers (say both less than 30) one under the other. Suppose they chose the numbers 16 and 21. They write these two numbers under each other
16 21
Now ask them to add these two numbers together and write the total under the first two numbers. After a bit of mental arithmetic they write
16 21 37
Now you ask them, having just added the first and second, to add the second number to the third number in the list: that is 21 + 37 for our example. They must write that new total under the numbers in the list. So they now have
16 21 37 58
Now we step up a gear. Have them do this same thing again and again, adding the last two numbers each time until there are 10 numbers in the list. They may need to resort to button pressing on a calculator. That's fine, and all the better to show your maths super powers if they are finding it hard. Look away while they are doing the later numbers, so they don't think you are up to anything. When they have 10 numbers in the list you turn back and prepare to impress.
The final list of 10 for our example looks like this
16 21 37 58 95 153 248 401 649 1050
You are going to instantly find the sum of these 10 numbers. They can start to add them on their calculator, but you will beat them to the answer, 'It's 2728' you say, and what's more after the buttons are pressed and the additions done on their machine they see you are right!